School Clubs and it’s Benefit

ClubAn association dedicated to a particular interest or activity(Oxford diction). A club is also a group of people who share an interest School clubSchool club means an entity representing an Educational and is officially recognised by the Association as a School Club. A school may not be the favourite place for many teens. But within those walls is […]

Student Development –

Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change, or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social, and demographic components. Student development is defined as a way that a student grows, progresses, or increases his or her developmental capabilities academically, personally, and professionally due to the intentional integration of extra-/cocurricular and academic learning opportunities It […]

Parent-Teacher Involvement in child’s Education

Historically, parent-teacher conferences have been the main forum for communication between teachers and parents. These conferences are crucial for strong relationships between the two parties who are chiefly concerned with a child’s academic and personal development. For parents, these conversations can provide greater details about challenges occurring in the classroom and will allow them to understand how […]

Impact of Teachers – Student relationship on both party

Many qualities define a positive relationship and pave the way for creating powerful student-teacher relationships. These can be seen to include good communication, a safe learning environment, mutual respect, a positive and patient attitude, student equality, and timely praise. The teacher who becomes the ‘favorite’ is one who possesses these in good measure. By Kim […]

Promoting Unity within Schools.

Longson School prides itself on fostering a friendly and unified student body. With a diverse student population from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is a top priority. Friendliness is not just about being polite or nice to others, but also about actively seeking out opportunities to connect with your […]

Mathematics – Difficult or Simple?

This is a student testimony about Mathematics While growing up I hate Mathematics but not all the topics there. I like simple topics like charts, Statistics, etc, lol.How on earth do u expect me to locate or find X and Y when I am not a Police officer or Vigilante? All these find, locate, what […]

Sporting Activity and Academy

Athletic training and academic study are interrelated. Both are two sides of one coin. Sports in education are an integral part of the curriculum. It helps to shape a person’s personality and contributes to their holistic development. In some ways, this subject demonstrates all the disciplines one has learned in school. Every sport has its […]